What is Digital Marketing?

by | Aug 8, 2022 | StoreMan Tech Blog | 0 comments

In the fast paced and ever-changing digital landscape we live in, it can often feel utterly overwhelming when the latest, greatest method of digital ‘whatsit’ is unleashed. It’s tough to know what to focus your time and energy on, and even whether or not it’s worth it? In this article, we’ll be taking a step back and breaking down the basics of digital marketing into bite-size chunks.


What is digital marketing?


Well, digital marketing is basically any form of marketing that uses the internet. Marketing is, of course, an activity that involves finding out what customers want, using that information to develop products and services, and selling them effectively.

Digital marketing includes many different types of activities: content marketing, social media marketing, search engine marketing, influencer marketing, search engine optimisation, paid per click advertising, online affiliate advertising… the list is inexhaustible. Which is one of the reasons it feels so difficult to keep up to date with current trends. That’s why it is so helpful to have a team of experts, like StoreMan Tech, to help you determine what works best for you.


What is the difference between digital marketing and digital advertising?


Digital marketing is the reason the customer says yes, digital advertising is how they said yes. Digital advertising focuses on gaining sales and conversion through online channels. Digital marketing focuses on overall branding, market reach, messaging and improving sales. There can be no digital advertising without digital marketing.


The future of self-storage expansion is within digital marketing.


  • Precision accurate audience identification,
  • convenient and easy to produce campaigns,
  • cross platform tracking APIs
  • remarketing;

Digital marketing and advertising is the most efficient and cost-effective form of spreading your message, other than word of mouth. The key to getting it right is knowing what the goals for that message are and testing. StoreMan Tech’s digital marketing experts have been working with Self-storage businesses for years to curate the most effective digital marketing strategies for new and existing facilities.